Thursday, March 29, 2018

Bulletproof Tips For Successful Car Sales

What does it taking to have a winning track record in selling cars?  Experts and long-time auto dealers and salespersons will tell you, first and foremost, that it’s never about you, but always about the customer and his needs and wants.  Here are more tips to consider. 

Never underestimate meet and greet

Don’t keep talking when entertaining customers; keep quiet and listen to their answers and discussions of their requirements.  Also pay attention to where did they find out about the dealership, since there is often a great deal of money spent on advertising.  Get as much quality information out of the conversation. 

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Observe the art of follow-up

Following up makes a customer feel you care about them and you’re not just interested in making a sale.  Follow up via phone, email, or even snail mail, showing you care about them making their dream car purchase and feeling fulfilled with it. 

Know your product inside and out

Car salesman training usually focuses on speaking to people, forgetting the important facet of knowing what you’re talking about.  Know the inventory and share information that will fascinate them and help them arrive at informed buying decisions. 

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Be patient

Note that some sales require much nurturing, and not all people can decide in less than five minutes.  Don’t get so obsessed with closing the deal that you get in the way of the potential customer’s breathing room.  Offer every customer respect and time to think things through, no matter if they seem like constant browsers for months and months. It’s about building trust. 

Jeff Lupient is the Executive Manager of the Golden Valley, MN-based Jim Lupient Infiniti. He started working in the automotive retail business as early as his mid-teens. For more articles like this, visit this page.